Tuesday, July 2, 2013


-1 päev

Ma olen õnnelik inimene, aga ma olen rahutu. Minu vajadus olla "siin" aga samas ka "kuskil mujal "viib mind sel suvel kolmeks kuuks Belo külasse Kamerunis. 

GLEN võrgustiku partnerorganisatsioon Eestis on MTÜ Arengukoostöö Ümarlaud (AKÜ), mis koordineerib GLEN Eesti programmi.

GLEN Eesti programm saadab igal aastal laia maailma 5 vabatahtlikku. Alates 2004. aastast on 33 Eesti vabatahtlikku osalenud arenguprojektides Ghanas, Gruusias, Indias, Kambodžas, Kamerunis, Tais, Keenias, Lõuna-Aafrika Vabariigis, Malawis, Sambias, Tansaanias, Ugandas ja Etioopias(allikas: terveilm.ee)
Kandideerisin Glen projektile pealkirjaga "Cameroon: Documentary film on grassroots development work" käesoleva aasta jaanuaris. 

Based in the rural village of Belo – in the North West region of Cameroon – the Rural Development Centre Association Cameroon (RUDEC) works to improve the lives of local communities by offering health services, vocational training and education. Most people in the region depend on agriculture for survival. RUDEC tries to offer alternatives by empowering young people through education and by giving micro-credits and trainings in income-generating skills for women. Further, RUDEC supports orphans and local infrastructure.
The main task of the interns will be to produce a documentary film on the work of RUDEC which can be used for marketing. The organization aims to move closer to financial sustainability and to increase its activities in the region. The story of RUDEC-sponsored orphans will be at the centre of the documentary, but the video should also include other activities of RUDEC as well as the challenges the people of the village face. To do so, the GLEN-team will accompany the RUDEC staff in all activities such as needs assessments, school registrations, educational tasks and health check-ups. Finally, the interns will also promote the documentary locally, online and upon their return home.
RUDEC is a small organization with 5 staff members. The interns can count on a personal workspace, a computer and a camera. The European participants will be joined by a local intern. The GLEN-interns can rent a house close to the organization.
In order to carry out this internship successfully, storyboarding, filming and video editing skills are crucial. Experience in marketing and socio-economic development is also useful. The internship requires an outgoing personality to allow for contact with a diverse group of individuals, from community leaders to families.
The scheduled time for the internship is 3 months between July and September 2013. Training and seminars prior to the internship will be held in English.
The tandem will be formed by an Estonian participant and a German/Swiss participant.

Pärast kirjeldusega tutvumist ei olnud minu kanditeerimises enam kahtlust. Kuigi ma pole eales unistanud Aafrikasse reisimisest, tundus see kõik mulle nii õige. 

Anniken Haldna
e-mail: anniken.haldna@gmail.com

Pakkimise meeleolus, lahkumise kerguses. 

Ootan kindlasti kõiki ettepanekuid ja kommentaare.

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