Friday, July 19, 2013

15. päev

Joshua teatas, et sõidab lähedase inimese matusele ning ei saa meid projektiga aidata. Sellised ootamatud olukorrad tekitavad alati mõtlemises lünga. Saad aru, et äkitselt on sulle on antud vaba päev siis, kui sa mõtlesid, et sul seda pole. 
Tulin hommikul Rudec’i kontorisse - siin on üks laud, üks assistent Janet ning kaks väikest last, kes vahelduva eduga mängivad ja naeravad ja siis nutavad, sest teadagi see lugu pillist ja pikast ilust...Loomadest liiguvad siin ringi kanad, kelle kaagutamine kohati kõrvulukustavalt aga samas rahustavalt mõjub - tuletab meelde, et tegemist ei ole tavalise igava kontoriga. Minu eesmärgiks seal oli leida huvitavaid raamatuid, mida lastele lugemiseks anda, ning otsida mänge, mida saaks pühapäevasel kohtumisel mängida. Samuti asuvad kontoris ametlikud dokumendid laste kohta, tulin kirja panema nende nimesid ja vanuseid, et ei eksiks kirjapildis ja leiaks tegevusi vastavalt nende eale. Kui palju lapsi kohtumisele oodata on me veel ei tea, aga loodame südamest, et leiame kõigi tundma õppimiseks piisavalt aega ning vahendeid. 
Leidsin ärapõletamisele mõeldud paberite vahelt vanad koolitööd. Ilma nimedeta lehtedel ning harjutustes jagati mõtteid hirmude, tänulikkuse, ning unistuste kohta. 

Fear: I am afraid I will not have enough food for this month
Real fear: Im not a worthy person because I am poor.
Reality: I am a worthy person because God is the one who provides for me when I am lacking
Solution: I am smart. I know I can buy small amounts of food to save. By the time it runs out my farm provides for me. 

Fear is the imagination of your thinking. When you imagine these thoughts they become real in your head and your actions make the fear come true. 


What do you truly love about yourself?
What I truly love about myself is that my heart is full of joy, happiness, kindness and honesty. I truly love myself because I keep myself happy all the time. I truly love myself bevause I trust God. I truly love myself because I am not moving up and down with boys. 


The things that make me happy is just the love that I have for others. What also makes me happy is wonderful experiences. I like to be happy the other people can enjoy my happiness. I’m always happy but especially then I receive a gift from others. I’m also happy when my friends help me. Im always happy when I am in class studying. 

If I had all the money in the world I would spend it by helping those who have none. If I had all the money in the world I would give it to the oldest person in the community. If I had all the money in the world I would make sure all the young people get educated. If I had all the money in the world I would make sure to build hospitals, schools, churches and banks. If I had all the money in the world I would sponsor all orphans, and build house for me and my family. 


I am grateful that I am in good health.
I am grateful that I have a job to pay my bills.
I am grateful that  I have a bank account where I can keep my money safe. 
I forgive myself for not washing my clothes yesterday.


Minu aadress Kamerunis: 
B.C.H.S.  Road, P.O. box 9,
Njinikom, Boyo division. NWR cameroon

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