Täna eile homme läheb
10. päev - Vaatan 18-aastast Pierrickut, 20-aastast Johni ning 29-aastast Yurit mõeldes, kui erinevalt me tunneme ja tajume seda üht ja sama ruumi. Napid dialoogid, üksikud naljad ning lastega vestlemine vahelduvad pikkade minutitega vaikuses.
Johni 21. sünnipäeva ning tema viimase päeva puhul Belo’s saan jagada natukene seda, mida tundis tema eile ja millest oma päevikusse kirjutas. Homme varahommikul lahkub ta Doualasse ning sealt edasi Newcastle’isse.
The water’s still off. It’s still annoying. So today I went to GBS Belo for the very last time. Ida, Yuri and Anniken came as well. It didn’t take much effort on my part though, which is good since I was really tired this morning. I helped when I felt it was necessary, but they got on with it well. We had to sweep the classroom, wipe all of the chalk off the desks and then essentially mop the floor, but with cloths rather than a mop. I was pretty glad that they were African kids and not American/European kids. It would have taken about a week for kids at camp to have done this, but they just got on with it today. Sweeping the floor and wiping the desks was fine, and then when it came to mopping the floor I numbered them 1-4 and had sort of a cleaning rota going, swapping them round every few minutes with one group in and then rest outside playing football. It would never have worked to have them all in the classroom. The numbers system more or less worked for a while, but then towards the end I had to choose people to do the last bits, like putting the desks back as they were. It went well though, and Anniken and Yuri filmed it. I’ll be in the documentary as a summer school teacher, and we got a final shot of me closing the door for the last time. I got a picture with the class on the field as well. I felt a bit bad asking Ida if I could get one with just me, but I wanted it like that because I’m the one who’s been teaching them the whole time and she’s only been there for a few classes. I think that’s fair enough. I brought the biscuits with me but I put them in Ida’s bag, which is bigger. I didn’t want to give them out, nor have the kids know that they were there, until the end, otherwise it would have been even more chaos than it was. At first there were only a few kids around me when I started giving them out but then the rest of them got wind and it was like being in a zombie film again with them all rushing and reaching out trying to eat me. I bought two packs of 50 and gave out 2 each to start with. After that there were still a lot left over, so I decided to have a bit of fun with it. It was hard to get them away from me, but I got a bit of space to separate of the biscuits into individual packs and then put them back in the bag. I told Yuri and Anniken that they might want to film this, went into the open space, got the kids to give me a bit of space (which was a lot of effort) and then threw the biscuits up in the air and laughed at the manic scene which ensued of children screaming and scrambling over the biscuits, all fighting to horde as many as they could. It was pretty funny. After it calmed down a bit I hoped that maybe one of them would feel generous, but that was very ambitious thinking. I was feeling really hungry and had told them that it’s my 21st birthday tomorrow, but none of them wanted to give me an early birthday present. It’s probably just as well since all of the biscuits had turned to dust anyway after the brawl they had over them. Also, they didn’t really listen to me telling them not to drop their wrappers everywhere, but I guess that’s just how they do it in Belo. I picked up wrappers if I saw them. So that was the end of summer school 2013. It’s been difficult and at times I really haven’t liked it, but overall I’ve really enjoyed it and I’m really glad I did it. It’s done a lot of good for me and hopefully they’ve all taken something from it. I still have no idea how well I’ve done to be fair though – for all I know I was the worst teacher they’ve ever had. They kept coming back though so I guess I can take some confidence from that.
48. päev minu elus möödus Rudec’i tegemisi filmides - nimelt õnnestus koostöös US Project Solutioniga annetada ühele koolile 58 pinki koguväärtuses 750 000 franki(1115 eurot) ning täna toimus pinkide pidulik üleandmine koolile. Külakostiks pakuti karastusjooki ning keedetud muna. Üritus ise ametlik ja tagasihoidlik.
Pärastlõuna kostitas lakkamatu vihmasajuga. Vabariigi taasiseseisvumise puhul valmistasin Rahab’i(seelik) ning Browni(pilt lippudest) abiga väikese tervituse, mida oli vihmade vahelisel pausil võimalik kiirelt jäädvustada.
Aitäh, Anni!
ReplyDeleteGeniaalne! Oma sünnipäeva suupistelauale panen ka nüüd kokat ja muna.
ReplyDeleteIlusad lipud :)
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